Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Text to speech programmes

So, in prep for the release of A Slave to the Darkness next week I have recently started using a text to speech programme called speak it! For the mac to check over my manuscript. It's a very robotic voice but I am highly impressed, you can only choose from male/female, British/American but that's all you really need in my opinion to hear your text the way it would be read in an audiobook. I love it and have found a few misplaced words or wrong formations such as the word form instead of from :-) these programmes come highly from me anyway x

Monday, 19 May 2014

Book 2 coming soon!!!

Well, the days is finally coming, A Slave to the Darkness will be released on 1st June 2014!!

I cannot wait to bring readers the second instalment of my series, hopefully adding to both the story and the characters' depths along with adding to the readers' interest in the Rose family and their journey. I wish I could interact better with the readers, especially those all across the world but that's impossible so i suppose for now all I can do is keep on writing and hope that whoever decides to give my books a try do so with an open mind and a vivid imagination.

Get in touch, review, write comments, whatever you want. Let's build a community of writers and readers that can pave the way for a new reading experience for everybody x

Saturday, 3 May 2014


Well, everyone loves a freebie and to help boost sales before the second book in my Black Rose series is released, I have placed the ebook for Embracing the Darkness as free for the next couple of days on Amazon.
I love seeing the sales spikes, especially as they are being downloaded all over the world. I'd love to hear feedback, so as always please get in touch!