Monday 22 December 2014

1 year later!...

Today is the one-year anniversary of my first novel being published. What an amazing year it's been! I've met lots of new people, and I've learned a lot about the people already in my life, but mostly I've learned a lot about myself. Not only have I self-published the next three books in the Black Rose series since then, but I've also become a traditionally published author with Forever Lost.
Friends have become fans, and fans have become friends, and I am so grateful to those who've given me and my novels a chance. I think most of my readers were shocked by the content, but came on board quickly with the darker themes once you released where I was going and why I did it. Those who couldn't get on with it, that's okay, not everything is for everyone.
I started out with a shy little dream and a fear of letting people in my strange mind, but now I'm more confident and ambitious than ever before. I know what I want from my life, and I'm determined to keep on going until my mind is empty of stories and I'm free of the characters and scenarios that haunt my mind day and night - if that can ever actually happen! I often wonder what the mind of a writer is like in comparison to other people's. I've always created people and places in my head, and then told myself stories about them. I never realised that this wasn't 'normal' until I was an adult, and even then it took me far too long to figure out how to write them down. 
I couldn't have done any of this without you guys! If you weren't reading my books and giving me the support and encouragement to carry on, I would not be where I am today, so thank you all from the bottom of my heart. This journey has been wonderful, and I'm not stopping any time soon xxx 

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